Friday, September 6, 2013


Thank you all for all the kind words and understanding. Although I really want to replay your continuous support by making games for you, it is time for me to take care of all the real life stuff first. What really sucks is that I have all the story line plan out already. However, an optimistic way to look at the situation is that it won't be difficult for me to come back to finish what I started. Hopefully, I will be back sometime during summer next year. As for the others who wants me to continue to blog about random things, I might do that, but it will definitely not in a regular basis. I think my audience won't enjoy me talking about mathematics or investment strategics. :P That said, if I come across any adult games that I enjoy, I will share with you guys about my findings.

Finally, I just want to say best of luck for all of you. Hopefully, I will see you guys soon and it is always possible that I might win the lotto, so I can hire people to work on my game! >:D Keep your fingers crossed and pray for my luck, even though statistically I will get into 3 car accidents on my way to buy lotto tickets before winning it! :P

If you are still upset, here is another apology dance. ^^
P.S. I like Autumn, screw the hot summer sun!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Delay or Good Bye?

A new school year is upon us, which means hundreds of reading every week, days with my beloved calculator =__=....Between work, school, and relationship, it really doesn't seem like I will have any free time to work on my game in the foreseeable future, so I guess this the development will take a back seat in my life...Yet, not all hope is lost, once I finish school and find a more stable job, hopefully I will return to work on RAGS in the future.

I just want to say thank for you everyone's continue support. Best of luck for all of you and hopefully we will see each other in cyberspace in the future. ^_^

If you are depressed because of this post, here is a dancing cat!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Annoying "Holiday"

Some relatives decided to use my tiny home as a hotel. Their close monitor of my each move had make it impossible to work on an adult game. >.> Hopefully, this will soon change once they finally go back where them came from. For now, I will just have to enjoy my so called "holidays" with them.

As for now, please enjoy this relaxing dance.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quite Week

Progress update! 
Not much has been code into the game yet, we are still working on editing some of our other works into the VR stories. Once all the text is done, I will move on to coding everything in and add mini games into RAGS to make it the gameplay more interesting. interesting as a text adventure game could be. :P

Poll and random stuff!
About last week's poll, I can't believe there are so few of you that share my psychotic passion of choking everyone out and put them in a room. XD Imagine what will happen when they wake up eventually! Just think of about the conversations they will have the next day.

"Oh shit, Jim! What happen last night!!!! Why am I on top of you!"
"Arrrr!!! Steve, you stupid fat ass! Wake the f*uk up! You are crushing me!"

Actually, a lot of strange thing can happen in a stealth game, so I present to you: Hitman Absolution Funny Moments! (Pay attention at 4:28 :P)

This week's poll!
Which season do you like the best?
1) Spring! I love the rainy days and stormy nights!
2) Summer! Wooohooo! BBQ and sunburn time!
3) Autumn! I love the random weathers! So unpredictable!
4) Winter! I love my world turning into a natural refrigerator!
5) I am from the equator, there are no seasons!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday Randomness!

Progress update! 
For the last 2 (ish...and besides getting consumed by steam sales) weeks, I was mainly working on general improvements to the police station (dialogues, random scenes to make the world make more sense) and setting up events that leads to the VR visor. Speaking of which, during Adeline's adventure, she sometimes will come across computer programs for the visor. Once she installs it, she could load up a program and play it like we play a video game. The programs are just random mini game type of stuff that I want to add to the game, but they don't really fit into the story. It can also be some random stuff my co-writer and I wrote for fun. The VR visor gives us a great opportunity to just add random things to the game. I hope you guys find it fun as well. By the way, some of the programs for the VR visor will add bonuses to Adeline's stat if you manage to "beat" them. For example, a duck shooting mini game might give Adeline a better critical hit chance. A sword fight mini game might give Adeline bonus stats when she use a knife.

Poll and random stuff!
Last time's winner for what makes a great lunch is pan fried crispy skin salmon! If you like to have fun and do some cooking, here is a easy guide for making your own crispy skin salmon! Hot (non-stick) pan, dry salmon with paper towel, and even cut will ensure your success! =D

This week's poll!
If you are a hitman, how would you approach your target and finish the job?
1) Hide in the shadow and kill my target, and only my target!
2) LEEROY JENKINS! Go in all guns blazing!
3) Sneak up on people and choke everyone out, one by one, and put all of their bodies in a big pile!
4) Be polite, be efficient, one shot, one kill!
5) Hitman!? I will never be a hitman! I will never hurt a soul!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Damn you steam sale!!!

See the title...(please don't throw eggs at me XD. More detail update coming up soon in mid week.)

Me during steam sale...and what I will be like when I try to catch up with development.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Where is the update!?

Oops...there is no update this week...maybe it's because I have to work more often than usual...maybe it's because summer is a good time for vacation...or maybe it's because...hmmm...Steam summer sale...and Don't Starve. XD

Normal schedule should be resume next week! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday Randomness!

So there some good news and bad news. Since I am the bad news first kind of gal (and I am writing this :P), here is the bad news:

I messed up my sleeping schedule last weekend, so for the last 4 or 5 days, I was incredibly tired all day long. In the morning when I was suppose to be working and coding, I was too sleepy to be productive, but at night, my stupid biological clock stopped me from sleeping and recharge. What I am saying is that...I only wrote 200 words in the last 4 days and only did some light coding......(No stop! Please don't throw eggs at me!)

On the hand, there is some good news:

With help, I managed to finish up all the pictures I needed for an event! And who knows, I might actually finish up a lot more during the weekend. Also, I did a lot of quest planning, now my idea note pat is getting thicker and thicker (so does my to do list >.>). Other than that, all the games I hope to buy and play during  the steam summer sale are still around the 30 dollars range. Unless you guys want to donate to the anti-Alako-working-on-RAGS fund, I guess I won't be playing any of them any time soon. XD

Do I look like a zombie to you?
P.S. What do you prefer for lunch? (vote on the right)
1) Bean burrito with melted cheese and red sauce, with extra sour cream and guacamole
2) Chicken, Spanish rice burrito in garlic yogurt sauce, and tomatillo sauce
3) Pan fried crispy skin salmon with honey mustard sauce and tartar sauce
4) Natural-cut fries with melted cheese topped with rich and meaty chili

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Season 2 Week 2 Update

Everything is done and the new update should be ready in a week! =D Naaa...that's just a lie. =P So far, most of the quests has been planned:

3 new quests around the Central and the Slum,
4 quests in a new area,
and 1 big main quest

Other than planning, my week is consumed by find background pictures that I like (or procrastinating) and beta testing Tales of the Drunken Cowboy. Mdqp's new version uses an updated beta RAGS which is not compatible with the old RAGS. As a result, unless I force everyone to update to a new beta RAGS, I have to stop all my development so that it rags won't mess up my game. So.........let's all blame mdqp for the delay! XD

My plan is to finish up 1 quest per week, which will take me around 2-3 months to finish the new update. Once that's done, the game will be 60%-70% finished! =D

New reception area for the police station. I need to add this because of.....reasons!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Season 2 Week 1 Update

Not much to show you guys this week cause I mostly work on some behind the scene stuff, mainly the combat system. I changed the codding around so that it is easier to manage and add new features in it if needed to in the future. Also, using first aid to heal yourself will use up a turn, letting Adeline to heal without enemy attacking her during battle is just too unrealistic.

Right click portrait to heal in the future!
Other than that, I spent most of my time remembering how much I hate picture hunting. @_@.....Seems like it will take a lot of effort to finish up version 0.6.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

New portraits and donation button.

Seems like most people wants Adeline's portrait to be the correct dress version, but I am scrapping that idea cause InsaneBrain help me to create these instead. =D All hail InsaneBrain for the second time this week!

When danger is just around the corner
During combat?
Normal portrait

I also created a donation button on the site. You should be able to donate even without a paypal account. The money received will to used to keep me fed. ^^

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Randomness!

1) All hail InsaneBrain for making these lovely banners! Free feel to use them if you want. =D

Forum Signature

Instinct Program Banner

2) The portrait used in the current game annoys me because Adeline is wearing the wrong dress! So, which do you prefer? (vote on the right!)

Better graphic version:

Correct dress version:

3) Finally, I want to know more about my player demographic. Tell me, are you a guy or a girl? ^^ (vote on the right as well!)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Planning, planning and more planning

So.....I was brainstorming for the events before the event that is planned for that other is a glimpse of the new area......

The abandoned industrial area isn't quite like the slums from before. Though it shares some of the air of hopelessness, grunginess, and decay, there is something almost otherworldly about the place. If any place in the city felt like a wilderness, the abandoned industrial park would be it. The alien feeling of the place is accentuated by the strangeness of it's inhabitants, if they are not in fact the direct source of that feeling, with their often addled, drug afflicted minds causing them to act quite unlike anyone in the "normal" world might. The place barely has any distinguishable landmarks. It is one grey cube after another, with rusty smoke stacks lining the sky like the teeth of a long dried out skeleton. Ramshackle buildings dot the area, crammed up against the side of the factories, in-between alleyways, and in open areas, like a festival of filth. Cobbled together with battered and rusty tin-foil, metal scraps, discarded iron beams, and old car parts, with the occasional urine and dirt stained mattress being a break from the hard, sharp look of seemingly every object around. But the most unsettling part of it all, is the quiet energy that seems to fill the air like a thick, invisible fog. The place lies dormant and quiet, yet there is an indescribable feeling that at any moment, it could burst to life. An occasional screech of moving metal, a wheezing cough, or a shrill scream begging for mercy, pierce through the quiet with an intensity enough to send shivers up those unused to it. The same sounds would not warrant a glance from the citizens of the place. The sounds are often completely unaccompanied, and they subside within a moment, the park returning to it's quiet energy, as it waits to burst forward into motion once more, like a predator stalking it's prey in the dark.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Game release!........not mine. =P

Just want to mention that a few new Neverwinter Night mods are released during my absence. If you enjoy sexy adventure games with a female protagonist, you might want to try them out.

Gladiatrix III - The Hand of Destiny

Demonheart - Chapter 1 BETA

Demonheart - Prelude

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What...wait...WHAT!? An update!??!?

Contrary to popular believe, Alako didn't die tragically in her college finals. Just one more week of busy work, I will be back to the old days of rolling on my bed for as long as I want! Hooray!!! God forbid I should find a full time job that sucks up all my free time. =P

However, after leaving my little Rags project alone in the corner of my pc for so long, it's hard to get my momentum back. So, I guess, I will start slow and work on the city exploration a bit more before I go ahead work on the main story (which I believe most of you guys won't care much for =P). 

Things that I will (maybe? hopefully......?) includes:

1) More random encounters, mainly small things that make the city feel more alive.
2) Side quests that actually pays! No longer will Adeline need to rely on gambling to make a living! =D
3) Let her fix the VR visor and setup a shop that sells "questionable" programs for the visor. 
4) Rework the combat system, which will make things so much easier for Adeline to beat something up other than zombies. Also, violence is always a solution in Tartarus!
5) Add the area which you can access after you open the gate! (probably nothing in there........)
6) Brainstorming for the events before the event that is planned for that other event.......>_>..........

Monday, May 13, 2013

Busy Busy Busy~

Stupid real life stuff is still keeping me busy at the moment and I spent most of my free time sleeping instead of working on the game! XD If you guys want something to play meanwhile, I recommend Neverwinter Nights mod, the Gladiatrix serious. It's about a runaway princess to follow her dreams. Her skill is quickly noticed by the world and was recruited a mysterious organization. Mixing some world threatening problems, some romance, and usually get a pretty good game! :D

The beta of III (the last part) is just released today. After some bug fixing, the full version should be released in a week or two. I think the best way to experience the game is to play I and II as well, however, I is the first module the author ever made, so its design and writing isn't the best. However, you can definitely tell there are lots improvement in II and hopefully, even better in III. =]

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Final Solution...

Seems like a lot of people has trouble with rapigator and for some unknown reason the bayfiles page is not loading anymore. Therefore, I decided to conquer my fear and use mega for future uploads. Links are updated in the download page.

For firefox user, you probably need to download a small plugin to download the file. If you are a chrome user, you can download the game as normal.

(US government.....please don't raid my house......plzzzzzz)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Silly Me and Silly Mix Up

For the 100 or so people who downloaded the game from rapidgator last week, I have some bad news for you. The version you downloaded is an UNPLAYABLE testing version that I am using for the new build. I have already uploaded the correct version to rapidgator! Please go to the Instinct Program page to get the correct version! I AM SOOO SORRY FOR THE MIX UP!!

(silly me found out my mistake and feel sad about my dumbness...)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Annoying Mediafire

Some of you might know that Mediafire has been taking down some rags game lately and my game is one of them. >___< Therefore, I decided to upload the game to rapidgator instead. I know that site is much slower and with ads, but for the time being, please bare with the inconvenience.

If the mess cause you any displeasure, please accept my panda dance as my apology.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Due to Popular Demand!

The polls have been on the blog for 2 weeks now. I think the results are quite clear. Most of you think the length of the scenes are just right, so the future scenes will be similar in length. I would also try to add as much variation as possible, however picture is always a limitation. As for custom choice front size, I will change them to 14. That said, I have to change them one by one manually, so...I might miss a few here and there, but you guys will probably point out all my oversights. =]

Spent the whole week studying for finals, didn't do any actual work on the game. However, I did start planning the new quests. And YES! They are side quests now! Not just encounters you bump into randomly. Hopefully this will make the game feel more interactive and interesting.

(I hate library week...........)

Monday, April 1, 2013

First Week of Holiday

Soon after I finished the demo, the sun finally peaks out from the sky and melted away all the snow. It's the perfect time for outdoor activities!......Yet I spent the whole week catching up on TV shows and rolling around on my bed doing nothing. XD

Monday, March 25, 2013

Player Feedback!

Thanks for all the kinds words and encouragement, that really boost my spirit up to push out the demo as fast as I can. Now, more than 3000 people have downloaded my game, so, BIG THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE! =D

Since I am going to take a break from development for a while (2 months isn't that long, is it? =P), and everyone has a chance to play the demo at this point, I would like to ask your opinion on a few things. Please use the poll on the right after you try out 0.30C! =]

If you haven't try 0.30C yet:


In version 0.30C, nearly all sex scenes are reworked and lengthened. However, I am a bit worry that some scenes are a bit too long for the reader and create this "wall of text" effect that make people doze off. Also, longer scenes would mean longer development time, so would you guys want to have more scenes but shorter. or less scenes but longer?

Front size for choices. Apparently, player cannot change the font size for choices (the one that pop up under the display picture). A few people complained that the front size are too small. So here are 3 different size (12-default, 14, 16) for you to choose! All pictures are taken in 1920x1080 resolution.

Example for front size 12!
Example for front size 14!
Example for front size 16!

Please leave any other feedback or suggestions in the comment! People need to speak up to let their queen know what they want! =P

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Good News and Bad News

Good News:

My editor work hard to go over nearly 30K amount of text and polished most of the scenes. So here is a bug/text fix version of the game. Also, many people have problems finding some of the scenes, so I added a basic walkthrough of the game.


Bad News:

For the past 2-3 months, I have been spending nearly all my free time working on the game. After hundreds hours, I am getting pretty tired. More importantly, there are lots real life stuff I have to deal with. Therefore, I won't be working on the game much for the next two months. I will still update the blog occasionally to let you guys know what's going on, but there won't be any significant progress till summer (unless I win the lotto or something :P).

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Virtual Cigar and Champagne! Demo is here!!!

Instinct Program is a Rags game set in a fictional city in the future. The setting is heavily influenced by Deus Ex Human Revolution and Resident Evil.  The story revolves around a young female detective, Adeline Shimizu, who is trying find out what happened to her missing colleague. The main storyline focus on MC theme, while optional scenes deals with other sexual themes. 

This is my first attempt to make a game. I have thank mdqp for making Tales of the Drunken Cowboy which inspired me to make my own little Rags game. However, I have never written anything creative before and English is not my first language, so please keep that in mind when you want to bash me about grammar. =]

Link to the current version (0.30b - the Demo)

Link to the Rags download page (you need to run the game with Rags Suite

General Tips:
  • You need the latest version of Rags ( to run the game. You can find it here:
  • If you are new to Rags and you are stuck, remember to right click everything. Some of you might not know that you can right click the room display picture on top of the compass.
  • Since the game is in beta, save often! There are many choices in the game as well, a lot of them leads to different scenes and could totally change the path of some quest / event / encounters.
  • Mental Health at this point is not that important since there is very little combat. So, do whatever you want in the city. A few extra options will open up if you have low MH.
  • Talk to customers and pedestrians, they all have 4-5 random dialogues. Some of them give out hints about hidden scenes and solutions.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Short Progress Update!

The game is finally in beta testing! As long as there aren't any game breaking problems, the demo should be out by the end of the week or early next week.

So.......Let's DANCE!!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 6 Update!

This should be the last few days of the development for the demo. There are still some coding issue I need to figure out, but it shouldn't take too long to do. After that I will have to wait for my editor to look over my text and beta testers to find out all the major bugs. So fingers cross that the demo will be out in around mid March.

Planning – 99% ??
System Coding – 99% ??
Story writing – 99% ??
Picture hunting – 99% ??

If you guys want something to fill the time, you should check out a new RAGS game called The Verse ( It also features a female protagonist and seems to have a lot of potential. More importantly, unlike my game, The Verse has a working demo!

(play dress up in photoshop this week, don't want this guy to freeze to death)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 5 Update!

Took half of a week off being lazy and hiding in my bed this week, but still manage to finish up all the drinking events and random dialogues of NPC around town. I find out that a lot of the optional stuff in the game is actually quite hidden. Normally, there are only 3 outcomes from getting drunk, but if you fulfill some prerequisites, there will be 2 surprises..... =] Nevertheless, I don't think you guys will keep getting Adeline drunk every time something happen in the game if you have no idea something is hidden there. I guess I probably will release a walkthrough later on.

Other than the final stage of the main quest, nearly everything is done right now, but I would like to add a mini quest or two in the game before releasing it. Since my editor is busy at the moment and probably won't finish going through my writing for another 2 weeks, I guess adding them won't delay the release.

Planning – 95%
System Coding – 99%
Story writing – 90%
Picture hunting – 95%

(Meet Ambrosia - V21, you wanna drink?)

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Took a short break from develop for me to recharge and deal with real life stuff, but I am back! Time to finish the main quest and start adding random encounters!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 4 Update!

I added two optional scenes and the second stage of the main event in to the game. All of them have lots different choices for you to pick. The main event is especially long. Took me 3 days to finish it and it nearly burned me out. All thanks to someone for suggesting adding a sex scene in one of the branches...

Next week, I will be finishing up all the sexual encounters and hopefully finish the majority of interesting encounters around the city to make it livelier. So the demo is around 75% - 80% done right now.

Planning – 90%
System Coding – 99%
Story writing – 80%
Picture hunting – 95%

(Someone is in trouble! What should you do?)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Infinite CG possibility!?

I found a few interesting Skyrim mods made by some talented modders on Loverslab earlier this week. Since I haven't play Skyrim for nearly a year, it took me hours to get everything updated and stop the game from crashing. Nevertheless, the new graphic mods I installed are really impressive. I wonder if I could use some pose mods to make my own CG for my future games.

As for progress, I added 2 new events into the game. Thanks for a friend of mine helping me with my writing, everything is moving smoothly so far. On the other hand, because of his suggestions, one branch of the main event outcome became a lot more complicated than it should was intended. So I guess I will spend the rest of my week working on that.

Planning – 90%
System Coding – 99%
Story writing – 65%
Picture hunting – 95%

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Week 3 Update!

Progress is not as fast as I hope this week, real world stuff kept getting in the way. Nevertheless, I finished a big area in the city. Also, the first bad end is in the game now. Moreover, I spent quite a lot of time putting subtle dialog changes base on a optional event. It turns out coding stuff like this is really time consuming on Rags. I think the demo is about 50% - 60% done at this point.

Planning – 90%
System Coding – 99%
Story writing – 60%
Picture hunting – 90%

I don't have any more sexy stuff to show you guys this week. Here is a naked hobo you will meet in the game, maybe some of you will find him sexy. =P

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Found help!

Hurray! Finally finished the first bad ending scene in the game. Adding almost 3000 words, although a lot of  them are branching paths. In other news, I found myself an editor! He has been fixing all my dumb grammar mistakes and even rewriting parts that sound awkward to him. So, all hail the editor!!

Also, I mentioned that I have trouble writing bad guy's dialog. A friend of mine decided to give me a hand and help me rewrite some of the lines that aren't.....bad guy-ish enough. So, all hail my friend!!

Planning – 90%
System Coding – 99%
Story writing – 55%
Picture hunting – 85%

Beside this, I have been practicing how to use photoshop properly.

Although all I did is just give her a haircut, changing background, dying her hair, and adding shadows, I think it looks a lot better than some other pictures I edited in the past.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 2 Update!

This week, I finished the intro of the game and has been working on city exploration ever since. All sexy time shenanigans optional encounters are planned, but I really don't want to make the game only focus on sex. Therefore, I have been planning a few side quests that are a bit They will offer variation to the game and let player earn some extra money. The general progress is a lot faster than I thought, so I might have to setup a close beta test before Feb.

Planning – 90%
System Coding – 99%
Story writing – 45%
Picture hunting – 80%

By the way, I notice that my blog gets over 2500 hits already although I have nothing to show you guys. So I just want to say that I am grateful for your supports and I hope the game won't disappoint. =]

I did send out an alpha version of my game to a few friends of mine, their reactions are better than I expected.  So, hooray for me! ^0^

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let's talk stat!

There are only 4 stats which are important to the game:

Its purpose is very obvious if you play any RPG before. The only thing to note is that getting killed by "zombies" does not have triggers a bad end. Your character will faint from losing too much health and get eaten by zombie. However, remember this only apply to "zombies"

Mental Corruption:
This measures your character's......humm.......well mental corruption. Only the attack from zombie like enemies will increase your MC. Once it reaches 100%, your character will be sent to an alternative path of the storyline. You can continue to play the game, but it is very difficult to get the true ending. This stat will be hidden in the game. Instead of showing you boring number popping out during each combat rounds, messages will be added during the battle to hint on how corrupted your character's mind is.

Mental Health:
This is the defense mechanic against mental corruption. When it is full, the "zombie" enemy will deal 100% of normal MC damage. For each 1 point drop of MH, MC damage will increase by 10%. So, if you have 5/10 MH, you will receive 150% MC damage. If you have 0/10 MH, you will receive 200% MC damage (which basically means you will get send to the alternative storyline). You lose MH by getting Ada into horrible sexual situations and you can gain some back by random events or spending credits to buy limited items.

City exploration is a major part of the game. Credit can be used to buy resources for challenging combat situations, or help out the locals for hidden surprises. You can earn credits during random encounters and side quest. If you prefer, you can also try to earn some money from gambling, although it is pretty risky.

Other stats:
Each type of weapons has their own set of stat. Some has higher damage, some has high critical chance. I don't think I need to show all these stats though, since there are really just 3 types of weapons planned at this point.

Planned stats:
I might put a reputation system (normal and lewdness) in the game. As you progress in the game (mainly from doing side quests), you will accumulate reputations from your actions and it is reflected in random NPC's conversations. For example, if you save someone's life, a guy might come up to you and say he saw you in the news. On the other hand, if you participate in public sexual situations, you will get famous for another reason. It will not be in the demo though, there aren't enough events/consequence to make it obvious.


Intro is all done now. I am now focusing solo at city explorations.
Planning – 85%
System coding – 99%
Story writing – 35%
Picture hunting – 80%

The picture hunting progress dropped because more events are planned. Also, I want to add a few more pictures here and there. Anyone want to apply as an official picture hunter?

(Spent 1 hour cutting a set of these pictures, no idea where to put it though.)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I am stuck in library, so...more progress report.

Spent the last 36 hours working on the survival horror, yet action packed introduction of the game which is around 80% done by now. After that, I could finally work on the city exploration part of the game and implements all the scenes I wrote on Words.

 (Try to keep her alive till the end, ok?)

Oh well, the fact is that 50% of my time was spent to improve the combat system to include additional things that it should be able to do (Stuff like random dialog, support for different main characters). Also, finish working on the music system which turns out to be quite easy comparing to combat. Debugging is real pain though since there are so many random variables moving around that it's hard to figure out what really went wrong.
 (1/6th of the combat system spaghetti codes.....)

I also finalize the common enemy image that will be used quite often. The winner of Alako Approved Semi Cybort Not Really a Zombie award goes to.....(drum roll~~~drum roll~~~)............Husk from Mass Effect!

(Hi! My name is Husk. I will be playing the role of  "Semi Cybort Not Really a Zombie")

Planning – 70%

System coding – 99%

Story writing – 25%

Picture hunting – 90%

PS. Does anyone know where I can find a picture that a girl pulling down her dress (similar style as Ada's, doesn't have to be the same color) from the top, showing off her normal size breasts? Preferably 2D drawing!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 1 Update!

The main focus of the weekend is a gambling mini game which is located in a night club called "Tits and Dough" and you can probably guess what it is like in there. Be careful when trying to earn some extra credits in the club though, the owner doesn't like people owing him money.

(gambling testing)

More random encounters and areas are planned including a pretty funny one in a store. Also, you can now get Adeline drunk with random consequences. There will be a mini quest related to one of the drunken consequences as well.

(why drink in a bad neighborhood?....because you can)

Since most of the fundamental system coding is done, I am spending most of my free time writing next week. Also need to start editing some location image to fit the story better.

(adding flashlight effect)
Planning – 70%
System coding – 95%
Story writing – 20%
Picture hunting – 90%

Friday, February 1, 2013

Thanks for all the Support, Here are More Details!

First of all, thanks for everyone who wants to help me out! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!
Now, lets talk details!!!

Role Play Personality Range:

Adeline is actually an important supporting character in my original project. Therefore, her personality needs to be within a reasonable range. Right now, she would normally have 2-3 choices when reacting to different situations.
Possible personalities for Adeline are (one of them cannot not be canon, guess witch. Keekeekeee):

1) No nonsense / independent and slightly cold
2) Anything in between
3) A bit of a whole / doesn't afraid to use her body to her advantage.

When facing unavoidable sexual situations (like being blackmailed), she could be:

1) Confident with her body and sometimes even put on a show
2) Shy and ashamed about what she have to do

I know that some people are suggesting she could enslave other people in side quests, or even raping others for her pleasure, but I am afraid I cannot cater to all demands >.<. Writing tree different personalities in most situations are already very demanding. I would also suggest player to do multiple playthroughs to try out different personalities / quest solutions (or else city exploration part of the game will be really short :P).

More about Graphics:

Due to the setting of the game, I decided to use only anime style of drawing and 3D pictures in cut scenes to keep a consistent feel of the game (not location though, where can you find a picture of old fence gate with a guard house at night time......=_=""). The main drawback of using hentai / fan art pictures is that they are either featuring the character in some pretty disgusting sexual situations or just holding a gun starting at you. There are really no middle grounds between them. So, when it comes to finding pictures for some mellow scenes (striptease / consensual sex scenes), it took me hours just to find one that can be photostoped into something useful. Therefore, it kind of forces me to write about a bit more extreme sexual situations in the game (rape / group rape / public play / light bondage), but it's not like I hate writing them =P. THANK GOD that there is no romance involve in this game! @______@ Or else Adeline can only date Jill Sandwich!

Girls Can't Write Bad Guy Dialog:

Adeline will be facing lots unpleasant situations during her quest to find her friend. Therefore, she frequently has to deal with bad guys. It is hard for me to come up with different personalities for these bad guys to keep the dialog varied and especially for sex scenes....... They can't all just say "Suck it! You slut!" all the time. =P I probably need help to write "bad guys dirty talk".

Progress of Demo:

Some people thought that I could finish the whole game before April, but I was actually talking about the demo which is about 30% of the game. I want to release a long demo because RAGS doesn't allow game save to be transferred between different versions of the same game. So, it will be no fun to force player to play the whole thing for just for 10 mins of updated content. That's why I plan to release just 4 versions of the game, 30% done / 50% done / 80% done / 100% done (City exploration with option stuff to do -> combat + puzzle solving -> City exploration with option stuff to do -> combat + puzzle solving).   

Planning – 70%
System coding – 80%
Story writing – 10%
Picture hunting – 90%
BS on the blog – still 100%!!!

I didn't do much in the last 48 hours, mostly just remaking the whole combat system to make it more flexible. The decision of adding normal human enemy (not in demo) (robbers / slavers / criminals who were locked up by Adeline and wants payback) forces me to rethink how I handle the combat system. Anyway.......enough rambling from me. Back to work! I started to feel like I am writing blogs to avoid writing codes. =P 

                                              (Roleplay by player choice, 3rd option WIP)
                                                                (I lock you in jail!!)
                                                        (only bad thing can happen here)