Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Final Solution...

Seems like a lot of people has trouble with rapigator and for some unknown reason the bayfiles page is not loading anymore. Therefore, I decided to conquer my fear and use mega for future uploads. Links are updated in the download page.

For firefox user, you probably need to download a small plugin to download the file. If you are a chrome user, you can download the game as normal.

(US government.....please don't raid my house......plzzzzzz)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Silly Me and Silly Mix Up

For the 100 or so people who downloaded the game from rapidgator last week, I have some bad news for you. The version you downloaded is an UNPLAYABLE testing version that I am using for the new build. I have already uploaded the correct version to rapidgator! Please go to the Instinct Program page to get the correct version! I AM SOOO SORRY FOR THE MIX UP!!

(silly me found out my mistake and feel sad about my dumbness...)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Annoying Mediafire

Some of you might know that Mediafire has been taking down some rags game lately and my game is one of them. >___< Therefore, I decided to upload the game to rapidgator instead. I know that site is much slower and with ads, but for the time being, please bare with the inconvenience.

If the mess cause you any displeasure, please accept my panda dance as my apology.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Due to Popular Demand!

The polls have been on the blog for 2 weeks now. I think the results are quite clear. Most of you think the length of the scenes are just right, so the future scenes will be similar in length. I would also try to add as much variation as possible, however picture is always a limitation. As for custom choice front size, I will change them to 14. That said, I have to change them one by one manually, so...I might miss a few here and there, but you guys will probably point out all my oversights. =]

Spent the whole week studying for finals, didn't do any actual work on the game. However, I did start planning the new quests. And YES! They are side quests now! Not just encounters you bump into randomly. Hopefully this will make the game feel more interactive and interesting.

(I hate library week...........)

Monday, April 1, 2013

First Week of Holiday

Soon after I finished the demo, the sun finally peaks out from the sky and melted away all the snow. It's the perfect time for outdoor activities!......Yet I spent the whole week catching up on TV shows and rolling around on my bed doing nothing. XD