Sunday, July 21, 2013

Damn you steam sale!!!

See the title...(please don't throw eggs at me XD. More detail update coming up soon in mid week.)

Me during steam sale...and what I will be like when I try to catch up with development.


  1. Oh bitter irony; making a game based around mind control only to have your own mind ensnared by the insidious machinations of Valve.

    1. I consider the time I spent as sneaky game play mechanic research. XD

  2. Yep, been there. I know how it feels >.<

  3. I was right there with you. "Oh hey, they have a new mechanic that explicitly makes you pay attention every 8 hours...!" And a Children's Card Game! And I have to spend 2 - 4 hours re/playing everything to get the Cards?!

    Damn you Steam, you murdered a week...

  4. Yeah...the card game is definitely evil! XD I spent quite sometime trading and grinding for cards just to level up my steam account for no apparent reason.
