Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quite Week

Progress update! 
Not much has been code into the game yet, we are still working on editing some of our other works into the VR stories. Once all the text is done, I will move on to coding everything in and add mini games into RAGS to make it the gameplay more interesting. interesting as a text adventure game could be. :P

Poll and random stuff!
About last week's poll, I can't believe there are so few of you that share my psychotic passion of choking everyone out and put them in a room. XD Imagine what will happen when they wake up eventually! Just think of about the conversations they will have the next day.

"Oh shit, Jim! What happen last night!!!! Why am I on top of you!"
"Arrrr!!! Steve, you stupid fat ass! Wake the f*uk up! You are crushing me!"

Actually, a lot of strange thing can happen in a stealth game, so I present to you: Hitman Absolution Funny Moments! (Pay attention at 4:28 :P)

This week's poll!
Which season do you like the best?
1) Spring! I love the rainy days and stormy nights!
2) Summer! Wooohooo! BBQ and sunburn time!
3) Autumn! I love the random weathers! So unpredictable!
4) Winter! I love my world turning into a natural refrigerator!
5) I am from the equator, there are no seasons!


  1. You should have a section where Adeline can sneak around and knock people out...and stuff them into waste bins, lockers, or something like that as a gag. Maybe not a bunch of people; more like two or three.

  2. It's Solid Adeline!

    1. First We'll have Instinct Program, then Instinct Program 2: Adeline's Revenge, followed by Instinct Program Solid, then Instinct Program Solid 2: Sluts of Rigidity. A few years later there will be a remake of Instinct Program Solid entitled Instinct Program Solid: The Twin Sluts which will update the game in minor ways but look much sleeker and more polished, shortly after that we'll get Instinct Program Solid 3: Slut-Eater and it'll be fantastic. A few years after that Alako will release Instinct Program Solid 4: Sluts of the Patriots then an extremely slut-crazy one named Slutvengeance. After that, well, Adeline will be a mega-slut and be skilled in leaning off the sides of robotic horses for stealth while simultaneously making everyone in a one block radius orgasm.

    2. Woah... mind = blown

  3. Winter! It may be fricking cold up here in the Great White North, but we have this season for half of the year so you might as well like it!
