Thursday, June 27, 2013

New portraits and donation button.

Seems like most people wants Adeline's portrait to be the correct dress version, but I am scrapping that idea cause InsaneBrain help me to create these instead. =D All hail InsaneBrain for the second time this week!

When danger is just around the corner
During combat?
Normal portrait

I also created a donation button on the site. You should be able to donate even without a paypal account. The money received will to used to keep me fed. ^^


  1. Just happy to help. =)

  2. Looks great! Did vote for correct dress but don't don't mind the least that it didn't go that way.
    Hope I will have some donation money to spare someday but sadly not happening this month.

    1. Well, the new portraits are all in the correct dress as well, so that's a plus. ^^

  3. Yeah, it looks really good!

  4. I do like the combat shot. Nicely done!
