Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone, or curse this soulless capitalist shopping day! Personally, I had a wonderful night with someone special and I wish it is the same for all of you.

I know what all of you wanna to ask (if anyone are still reading my blog); No, there is still no update on my little game and other than some planning, not much has been done on it. Relationship and school work have totally consumed all my free time...which is kind of a lie :P, they consumed MOST of my free time. However, I don't think I will be motivated till summer holiday, that's assuming if I don't find a job right away after school. All I can say for certain is that, I still want to finish the game someday, I am just not sure when. In the mean time, I will just keep paying 10 dollars each year for a RAGS license to remind myself I have a half finish game. XD

Hopefully, things will change sometime during summer. I will update the blog if there is any news regarding the game. :)